Anarchist Paper - 1987-1991

This paper was born from the need to accompany the review "Anarchismo" with an agile publication capable of developing 'circumscribed and condensed' analyses. Political and social analyses, leaflets, communiques and documents of the anarchist movement as well as of other groups and organisations, as well as many short and very short articles concerning attacks on the structures of power, news items testifying forms of spontaneous rebellion, that are manifesting themselves with different modalities and often turn out to be quite extraneous to the specific ambit of the anarchist or antagonist movement.
Starting from a series of analyses - concerning among other things, the modifications in the productive structures, the perfectioning of information technology, transformations in the world of work and school, the progressive cultural emptying - a perspective of struggle is outlined: not only the attack on the 'great temples of death', on the 'visible complexes that attract everybody's attention' but also and principally small and often simple objectives, peripheral structures spread over the whole territory that are beginning to take on increasing importance for capital: factories, commercial structures, seats of power, but also electricity pylons, communications cables, everything that combines in the development of capital and the continuation of exploitation. These analyses and proposals precede the publication of 'ProvocAzione' in part, but in this paper they are gone into further and turn out to be still, valid at the present time.


In the things of life you want a little logic and, why not, also intelligence. Also in the highly discutable and miserable practice of dissociation, those who are masters in this field have made us see that you need a certain logic, a certain graduality. Dissociative positions are not in themselves necessary up until the moment when facts that do not have any agreement among those who intend to dissociate themselves are verified.
For example, the long line of dissociated in the past 15 years has taught us that there is always time for signing declarations. First one must see how things stand, evaluate the pros and the cons, before taking a distance from someone whose practices we do not approve of.
Preconfectioned dissociation “bulletins” as these could be defined let us say, their linguistic structure predetermined, to be put into circulation by parties, politicians and economic personalities when certain facts occur. It is a question of generic condemnation where one frequently finds the term “vile attack” and other such things.
The difference exists although it remains within a strata that disgusts in any case.
Now, what one might ask, were the motivations that pushed the comrades of Rivista “A” and the FAI in Milan to dissociate themselves from events that took place in Milan some time ago, small attacks against militarist objectives like the ENEL nuclear research centre or similar firms who work in the nuclear sectors?
Why did they immediately bring out a communique? What did they want to distinguish themselves from in such a hurry? They certainly weren’t afraid of the risk of seeing themselves with the carabinieri turning up at their homes to raid them, in that it is well known - at least it is without doubt so in Milan - that these political line-ups do not agree with certain practices. What did they want to take a distance from? Would not it have been better to wait for a few days to pass, if nothing else to be able to successively defend the comrades who could (and presumably will be, persecuted for things they are quite extraneous to), and at the same time as they support the comrades, see to making the legitimate distinction they are imposing in political terms because it is not right for everyone to share a practice which by its very nature cannot be other than, at the moment, accepted by only a few?
Wouldn’t that have been better?
Of course it would have been better and it would have made a police act of intimidation more difficult that becomes easier within our movement precisely when the floodlights shine on a small number of us.
I ask myself then, what pushed these comrades to act in such a way? Which then turns out to be contradictory, in that first they dissociate themselves from a certain practice, contributing to turning attention to comrades that do not intend to dissociate themselves in this obtuse and preconceived way, and then they solidarise with those struck by the repression, precisely the repression which with its own dissociative practice it had contributed to soliciting. Such behaviour seems to me to be not only contradictory but also devoid of that minimum of political intelligence required in the practice of social struggles, whatever this practice might be, without being too subtle.
A comrade, with a passion that is his, defined them recently at the Forlì conference as “pieces of shit”. Certainly, it’s a strong phrase, beyond all measure of good manners, but we must also understand that certain ways of acting, beyond sharing cetain practices or not, are not admissable in that it is behaviour that supplies the instruments of repression.
I would suggest a let’s say “benevolent” reading of these “incidents” in which, in my opinion, have run into both the Milan FAI and Rivista A; basically the latter have been taken by surprise: they did not expect a movement to exist in today’s reality, a number of comrades, even minimal, that were intending to realise destructive attacks against militarist objectives. This intention is happening in practice and we, of this paper, have punctually witnessed how much is happening, at times undergoing incrimination, raids, and trials with accusations of instigation, apology, and, incredible as it may seem, participation; without for that claiming that what we are pointing out should receive the applause of all comrades. But it is necessary to reflect better on what might happen in future, when taking a position.
Criticism is one thing. Police-style infamous denunciation is another.


A Meeting in the Abyss of Despair
A Murrain of Fascists
Communique Milan Comrades Leave ProvocAzione
The New Technological Materials
Considerations About a Meeting (Forlì) AMB
Between Anarchists and Shopkeepers
Attack against Oto Melara (ind. militare)
Chile 1° May Clashes
Between Shopkeepers and Anarchists
The Dogs of Sinai
The Lightness of Being
AntiArab Racism
Two Bombs in Barcelona
Out of the Ghetto* (?Insurrection)
Mini-Riots in Plymouth* (Insurrection)
Seeing Clearly (Re attack against Luxemburg Bookshop in Turin)
Communique - Anarchist Vitriol
Raids in Palermo
Donations? Young Milanese procatari
Clashes 1° May Berlin
5th Anticlerical Meeting Alga Marina
Why Only a Provocation?
From Milan Downwards
Dynamite Against the Pope (Lima)
Attack on US Military Train
Old Lady against BBC
What to Say About the silence? (Forlì)

Editorial missing


Bagnoli, Rage and Limits
Corea - Olympic Games as an Occasion
Inside America
Holland Against Shell
Repression in La Spezia
Attacks Against Israeli Importer
In Naples Against Pollution
Athens - Anti-Nato Attack
Police Cars Burned
Racism in the Anarchist Movement?
New Palestinian Iniatives
“Goodbye Armed Struggle” But Not to Lie Down Before Power
Bombs in Florence
2 Bombs against Augusta (weapons)
Clashes in Berlin
Bombs in Athens
English Army Depot Burned Out
Water Revolt
Clashes in Stonehenge
Experia Social Centre
With J.S.Paillacar
Parcel Bomb, Kennedy
Various IRA attacks

Issue 15

The riot in Naples had the effect of the crack of a whip against local and national power. Destroying nearly all the regional and town hall structures the workers have imposed the reason of rage against the negligence and absenteeism of the bosses. But it is also necessary to see the limits of these outlets so that they can extend beyond the simple objective of defence of wages and jobs.

The revolt of the south Korean students continues, also against the continual infiltrations and attempts to recuperate North Korean of North Korean politicians. Beyond this there is the sign, very important for us, of trying to contrast a spectacular demo like the Olympics which undoubtedly constitutes one of the highest moments of the productivist exaltation of international capitalism. Sport, on such occasions, is just a reminder.


Shell finances and guarantees the racist government in South Africa. It is one of the few multinationals that continues to work and produce in the country that discriminates against blacks. Certainly not alone, but for the moment the attack against its petrol pumps that has been carried out in Holland could be considered the sign of a revolutionary internationalism.

One of the black quarters of New York turned over by the repression starting with the excuse of drugs and now widening to a politic aimed at extinguishing the organisation of rebellion that is passing through the conditions of the most absolute poverty and unlivable conditions of the ghettos.

Repression in La Spezia
The most militarised city in Italy. The activity of anarchists. Their revolutionary presence against any adhesion to the will of the so-called democratic regime. Repression, blind and absurd. But that cannot dissuade the struggle, involvement and antagonism.

Is there racism in the anarchist movement?
Starting off from an article on the Palestinian question recently published by “Rivista A” the comrades of Folingo propose a text elaborated by a number of Palestinian students. This text obviously presents limits. It is interesting all the same because it allows us to better understand some aspects of the complex Palestinian problem and the clash that is presently in course both in the occupied territories and within the territory of Israel itself.

A few critical considerations on the recent positions taken by Rivista A. End of armed struggle of a certain kind, precisely that which based itself on the analyses of the authoritarian marxist kind. That does not mean that an automatic parallel can be drawn between armed struggle and authoritarian marxism. To develop a detailed analysis that might not be shared by all, the article shows well the possible solutions of a complex problem.

In Catania a social space abandoned for years has been occupied and been transformed into a centre for musical activities, theatre, self-managed production, etc. The importance of the action is considerable in a city such as Catania, which has never seen such a thing and which certainly remains one of the most backward cities as far as social services are concerned as it is at the mercy of a Mafiosi local administration.

J.S. Paillacar
Behind the prison bars indications that are coherent with revolutionary principles. One of these is that of JSP. The Committee for his freedom has taken on the spreading of his position, the most coherent for an anarchist revolutionary. Unfortunately, also among comrades we would have thought were more openly available in the clash and violent struggle against the state, distinction and precisions are emerging which is from an abstract static point of view are well-founded, in practice do not preclude a cautious taking a distance.

Fuori dei denti..
Precisions in the respective ways of being and seeing things. A few clear words on what should be a revolutionary and who is a political intriguer and social democrat winger.

The recent events at the world cup - not football in the strict sense of the word - have shown a return in grand style of the violence of the hooligans. Once again we have been confronted with reality of a problem which far from reducing itself or being put under control by the so much bandied repressive capacities of the police, is going back to showing up the most desolate and contradictory aspects of our time.