Regularity. That would be a good title for the editorial I am about to write. But also the need for regularity. First the periodical kind, then the personal, that rythm of biological and social equilibrium that makes us keep well or otherwise, discovering aspects of incommeasurable beauty in the most disastruous of situations.
And it is the name of regularity, of foreseeability and uniformity that the most fearful crimes, the most incredible atrocities, have been committed. And it is always our regularity that we want to impose on others, the regularity of our church, our Credo, our Faith, whether these be lay, or, why not, even revolutionary.
And each one swears on their own itinerary of regularity, suspecting bad intentions, that turn out to be all right.
Whoever observes the action of others and does not understand it immediately has recourse to an expedient: they disqualify the latter, demonise it. In this way they convince themselves that they can understand them,while they are do nothing but showing up their own ignorance when not their bad faith. For this reason anyone who acts is always seen with a bad eye by those who find excuses for not attacking the enemy, and the courage and decision of the first are never recognised except through calumny and the chatter of rumours. Mean figures of regularity are hanging around in the most fetid meanderings of the revolutionary movement and are filling their sad days with the behaviour of cops and spies. What can we do about it?
The evil is precisely in this excessive need for regularity that we all have. Some get over it, as we hope to do, at least sometimes, admitting that others might think differently, but no one is immune. We often act against the behaviour of others. And this is certainly, at least at first glance, an attitude one has with a certain regularity by considering ourselves to be superior to others. And if things were like that, we would also be despicable and condemnable. But we believe things are not exactly like that. Let us see why.
In the first place, we do not agree with certain positions that are substantially those of desistance and accomodation. When we were against amnesty, dissociation, the more or less open declaration of defeat of a method that everyone said was now out of date (that of the direct clash, destructive and immediate) that was because we considered that one couldn’t allow behaviour that not only sold out a whole heritage of struggle that was to be saved (even if submitted to criticism), but also because the thing ended up falling on the shoulders of those who did not accept compromise but remained (in one way or another) firm and inflexible in their positions. There was therefore no question of regularity, but only a question of revolutionary strategy, which might also not please someone but always remains based on the attack and can never be transferred into the field of negotiation.
But when we were affected by the irreducible mania of sticking to the insurrectional method of destructive attack of the class enemy, we have been - and this must also be recognised also by our worst detractors - in the light of day. When we wanted to call someone a cretin, we did so without half measures, just as we have always called some others spies, and others cops.
I do not believe that all those who stick to their regularity have the same courage of their actions. We have the certainty that at least some have been responsible for such behaviour. We are sure that this way of speaking (talking behind the scenes, jousting slander by letter, tracing apocalyptic descriptions of plans and ways of acting, acting the part of the police and the other repressive instruments of the State) is ingrained in those who have absorbed revolutionary activity in the political realm. Many have become (but perhaps they were never anything else) politicians and act as such.
To them, all our disdain. What can we do about it?
The Revolt of the Palestinians against the Israeli State
Who are the Real Racists?
The Cobas and Scalzone
No “Transparency” in Rumania
Blacks in New York
Mayor “Dead Man Talking”
Escapes on the Increase
Unitary Ambit of Organised anarchism
Welcome Back Witch Doctors
Popular Rebellion in Nigeria
Strike Suffocated in Blood in Brasil
The Racist Face of American Democracy
Let’s Prevent the congress (FMI) Berlin
A REFUSAL OF ARMS (AMB)* (Propulsive Utopia)
Sweden - computer Instead of Judges?
Take the Mask Off Militarism - Antagonists or Zombies
What Use is Syndicalism?
“The Poem of the Lunatics”
“Salvador” by Oliver Stone
Anticlerical attack in Peru
Escape in England
Student Struggles continue in Australia
Orazio arrested again
Trial Pippo Scarso
“Generals of Antimilitarism” or...
“Senzapatria” Orazio
Against the “democratic” Logic
Freedom for Roberto Gemignani
Occupation of the Banque De France
Pettifoggers and Jugglers
New “alternative” Proposals to Imprisonment
Schools attacked
A Reply From Joe Fallisi
Struggle for Social Space in Turin - Avaria
Pull the Plug Out
Revolt in a Russian Laager
Comiso Base “Occupied”
Rome: 2 Days on Latin America
Attack in Greece
Suicide: Instructions for Use
Two Wild Hunters
Communique (Antimilitarist)
Issue 10
A rebellion born spontaneously - the role of the media all lined up to support the Palestinians - OLP’s attempts at recuperating and the hegemonisation of Islamism - declaration of a Palestinian boy: “Our leader is anyone who has a stone in his hand”.
A serious economic-social crisis is going through the country - heavy recessive measures by the authorities make proletarian rage explode - information blackout.
The barricades of the Rome middle classes against the gypsies represents an attack on the “different” - racism is natural to the very existence of a society divided into classes - only the class clash will be able to pull the ghetto down.
Anarchists organised...
There is no one “unitarian ambit” of organised anarchists - some precisions that start off from an article where there appears a clumsy attempt to reduce the problem
Welcome back...
Against the invading scourge of normality - a general praise of madness as revendicative act of one’s own irreducable subversibe abnormality. A desecrating desertion against who talks seriously of “alternatives” without having sufficient knowledge - against the peddlars of all “truths” - there is nothing to save in this society as the “progressives” would like to think.
“Forward without forgetting: encounter FMI World Bank in September 1988 in Berlin West” - this appeal was launched by some German comrades who are inviting a confrontation with all other comrades with the aim of uniting one’s strength and concentrating on a common action to make the Congress a failure - the indication is clear: “Let’s make them sweat” - a requets finalised also in the development of a new movement at international level.
Refusal of arms
the reasons that make one go into the problem of “arms” critically - how to interpret in the anti-militarist field their refusal - there exist different evaluations of arms as inert, abstract objects - if we consider that in reality they exist as “thing in action” or while waiting to be used by man, the insufficiency of the reply given until now becomes clear concerning the pacifists - if it is the man who acts and uses means to reach ends, the sense of its use changes in relation to the very projects of man.
Take the mask off antimilitarism
Antagonists or Zombies
What use is syndicalism?
A short, concise story of revolutiuonary syndicalism and the Italian Syndical union - the attempt to make the damage caused to our movement by the syndical ideology - the inactuality today more than ever of the anarcho-syndicalist theses that would like to become fashionable again on the wave of the struggles of the Cobas - the revolutionary struggle finds itself today beyond any syndicalist dimension.
“The poem of the lunatics”
Twenty years from ‘68 the intellectuals are still convinced of having to give their words to who has never had them - a book that is quite good weighed down by this burden. national heroes are ridiculised and their and “our” story is demythisised.
“Salvador” by Oliver stone
“The first victim of war is not innocence but ignorance” - from an episode of the Salvadorean revolution a film has been made which although it denounces injustice, does not go into the causes.
A desacratory critique of the logic of martyrdom and sanctifying preached by some comrades - better to receive from the State the little “gratifying” name of “sociopathic” to clarify an aversion to “civil society”.
Against demo...
The democratic practice cannot be a part of the revolutionary baggage - a committee that emerges for the liberation of one single comrade must also oppose itself to the very logic of extradition.
A few gems concerning the opening of a debate with the marxist comrades who recognise themselves in a libertarian organisational ambit - against those who aim at making appear passive subjects the promoters of the “political solution”.
Turin is like everywhere else - an incredible city where lack of spaces is deeply felt - from 1984 there have been numerous attempts at occupation - this attempt marks the beginning of the first “self-managed” space occupied in the city - “Avaria tries again, win and disappear”.
Let’s switch off...
We must unmask attempts of those who “demonise” radio and television because in reality they are aspiring to a “clean” management of it - it is necessary to attack the mediato have circulate revolutionary information which is the only true possibility of communication.